Sunday, August 9, 2009

You can quote me on that.

Just some quotes that i have written down from times I've used them.
some of you might notice some I've said to you or I might have told you about.

Before you speak you have to understand what they'll hear.

Thought before action, not regret after consequence.

Its not the wonders but the mistakes that make you.

You have to find the fault or surely when it is complete it will fall.

Speak nothing about things you know nothing of.

Share knowledge, for not to is as good as knowing nothing at all.

If you don't heed the warning you can only regret but if you fall in the process you can only learn.

If you always know you're right you'll never know when you're wrong.

Be not where unwanted.

To change the world you'll have to change outlook upon it.

You can lie to me but you can never lie to yourself.

Make choices not mistakes.

Give someone respect and they should return it. Give someone power and they will try to take yours.

You can't ignite change but you can spark a thought.

You can't change people but you can change your opinion of them.

Completing a task might be difficult. Asking for help however shouldn't be.

How you look at something is how it's going to be.

It's great how you can build respect for someone but it's even more amazing how fast you can lose it.

You might get one chance to leave your mark in life but everything else you do you will leave your mark there.

What I know I know, what I need I'll learn, and at my end what i never knew i never needed.

Don't just do, Experience.

I don't expect to be quoted as if I were a president but just thought they would be interesting for you guys to read some of the things i have said.


1 comment:

  1. A lot of these are a bit on the platitudinous side, but hey, I was a teenager once too.

    Still, it's the thought that matters. I used to write down things like this too. I called them "Bathroom Philosophies" because they always seemed to come to me while I was on the toilet, or in the shower.

    Hell, what else do you have to do in there but think?

    Let me see if I can recall a few:

    You can not cast a shadow if you are standing in one.

    Time was never more wasted than during time spent mourning time wasted.

    Vulgarity is the child of fragile egos.

    Nearly all error stems from being sure.

    Somewhere, I have a whole list of crap like that. It does not matter if it changes someone's life. The hope is that maybe you spark a thought in someone. It is the best you could—and should— hope for.
