Sunday, August 9, 2009


Now what is the point in lying? I have asked this question before and got an answer that just doesn't make sense to me. The answer goes as follows:
"One day you'll understand why I lie."
Now not to be rude, but that is the dumbest answer I have ever heard.
Maybe one day they'll understand why I don't lie.
Okay but back to the question at hand. I see almost no upside to lying. You become untrustworthy and undependable. I see lying as playing a game of poker but you're cheating at it. "If I cheat i can win this hand, but I can't keep cheating or I'll get booted from the game and lose all my chips anyway." So you can win a few hands like "No i wassn't out late last night with Rob." But what happens when whoever you're lying to get's the actual information from Rob? now you have a double sentence on your head. You lied and you hung out with Rob. (I don't really know why hanging out with rob is a bad thing... of course I don't know anybody named Rob.)
This still looks like a risky game to me where the odds just don't look that good.
I can see if you lie to spare someones feelings, but in the end you still come out the liar, and that's another sentence on your head.
When people lie it shows me that they're scared. Iono about you guys but I've always thought fear was something you shouldn't show.
So if someone can give me a better answer than "One day you'll understand why I lie." then I would like to know it.



  1. Most people lie because they don't want to deal with the consequence of their actions

  2. Lying seems easy. It usually is not. It comes more naturally to some than others, so for some it can be easy, but it is still never worth it.

    You could say there are a thousand reasons why people lie, but that is stupid. There is one reason why people lie. Hell, it is pretty much the only reason anyone does anything:

    It seems the easier option.

    The answer to the question is both complex and simple. This is the simple answer.

    Like water, humans follow the path of least resistance. We never go out of our way to do something hard rather than something easy. I write that statement in broad strokes—trying to stick to the simple answer here.

    Whatever I am trying to accomplish in life, it is almost always easier to get it by lying.

    I want a girl to like me.

    Let us see. Do I tell her that she is not the prettiest girl I have ever seen, but she is local, available, easily-attainable and would not require any more effort on my part to obtain?

    Or, do I tell her that she is the prettiest girl I know?

    Lying is easy.

    at first...

    There are countless good times to lie, but it never makes lying good.
