Monday, August 10, 2009

I'm better at being the best.

People today I think lose sight of why they do what they did for fun when it was fun. (That makes sense right?)
We used to pick up dice to a board game or a controller for a console to spend our time enjoying a nice game, but now it's just to compete and downtrodden everybody else. It could be something like "I must get this achievment" or "I must have a positive KDR" but whatever it is, it is always to compete with someone else.
You know my brother told me he was at a friends house and this guy was bragging about his gamer score on the PS3 and how he doesn't know anybody better than him, but when my brother asked him to check mine (Which I didn't even know I had one) and I had a better score than his, he (From description) was destroyed. He must compete to be better than someone he doesn't even know and against someone who doesn't really care. Now my little brother is beating my score on the PS3 and I don't go racing to get more trophies to tell myself I'm better than him, but I still play the game for the reason it was made. For enjoyment. I can't say I won't try to get the awards but I don't get them to say I'm better but to get more out of the game I'm playing.
People who play to win most of the time don't play to have fun. The world says be the best so you must.
Once while playing football on the beach someone called out of bounds on the RB because he can point to the foot print on the beach where he stepped over the line. Now if you have been to the beach or atleast seen it you should know how ridiculous this sounds. But he must win even if he has to ruin the game for everybody else because he must win over a stupid call.
And when I lose it's not my fault, It's everybody else on the team who didn't help me achieve victory because they were plotting against me. For some unknown reason they still play though.
So what I guess the question here is for you to ask yourself. How many games do you still play for fun? Win or lose it should be fun.
Not saying you guys dont have fun (Fun is subjective) but as the point of my blog was to get you to think I just thought I would give you something to think about.


1 comment:

  1. This idea is really not new. As long as there have been people, they have been doing this same shit.

    It is non-thought. People do not think past the obvious, because it is more work than not.

    Is it easier to dig a hole, or not dig a hole?

    Is it easier to disect and delve into the purpose of something, or not disect and delve into the purpose of something.

    We are saturated from all angles the purposes of things.

    The point of dating is to find a girlfriend. The point of a girlfriend is to find love. Love is to be used to get married.

    The point of a game is to win.

    Pick a movie. Odds are that it ends with a wedding or the underdog team you have been cheering for winning the big game.

    We are not-so-implicitly told that these things are important.

    So, all I have to do is watch the movies and absorb their ideas. It relieves me of the burden of having to actually think about these things myself.

    This is why people are not having fun. They do not realize that they are supposed to, because that is never what the movies or songs are about.
