Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Let's all degenerate.

Where has the world gone these days?
You know, with that question i think I could just end my blog. But then it wouldn't be much to think about now would it?
I'll start off with computer lingo. (Because i think it spread from there)
LOL... laugh out loud right? Lawl.... what? Does that seem right?
I can understand using lol as an action as someone laughing but when you take short hand and extend it into lawl or lawlzors or any gay way you can put it, that seems like a stupid thing to do. if you wanted to extend short hand why not just say "I am laughing out loud at that joke that you just made" or something along those lines? to many spaces i guess.
Or like newbie. okay newb i get it. noob... alright i see a similarity. n00b... numbers in spelling? nub... a bump or knob? What?
This word just says to me that someone started a degenerarting race and who ever can get the furthest from the origin, wins!
Pwn, teh, pron, etc. Words people misspelled once (or twice) and someone else sees this and uses it themselves. If i would misspelled a word and it became internet lingo I would hide myself in shame. It's human to make a mistake, it's foolish to make a mistake practice. (Like that? Just made that up on the spot. Although the world might not see it that way.)
An example of what I'm talking about. Sci Fi = Science fiction. Now the Sci Fi channel has changed it's name to SyFy. why? I have no idea. So now it should be Syence Fyction i guess.
The world is degenerating and the problem is that the we accept it.
I will hate to see the day when I tell my children to do their home work and they'll tell me, they txted (Texted degenerated) it to their teacher an hour ago. This book report on "teh 0disy" includes sentances like: "odiss pwn ths d00ds wit teh speer", or "stbs syklo in I n runz" Or something along those lines. (Actually I never read the odyssey so I might be mixing my greek mytholigy for all I know.) But still, the world will accept this in the future i believe.
Because being as dumb as everybody else is better than being smarter than someone.
As for "being dumb as everybody else." Why does the world see this as an opening to become like someone else? Why must we be like everybody else? If you don't like who you are change it but don't be someone else. I read a quote not to long ago.... can't tell you who said it because I don't remember, but it goes along these lines: You were made an original, don't die a copy.
Awesome qoute if you ask me. I think that's what the world doesn't see though.
Another thing with Competition (as in an earlier blog post) Why must we have what someone else has or better? cell phone, iPhone (Still suprised it isn't the ifone yet), iPhone 3G, Computer, Laptop, Car, Helicopter, Jet, Space ship, planet, etc. and it keeps escalating. I think people can be content but everybody else says that they can't, so they must escalate to be equal, or better.
If you don't blend into this drone colony then you aren't one of us.



  1. That is a good quote. Forget who it was by. That does not matter. Just remember the quote. What good is knowing what frequency your cellular phone operates on if you do not know how to dial a phone number. People cling more to the origin of quotes than the quotes themselves. Stupid.

    Degeneration, Timmy, started long before you were around, and will keep going long after you are gone. You can not stop it. You can not change it. Let it go. To do otherwise is just stressful.

    It used to be "photograph", "telephone", "omnibus", "violincello", "aeroplane". The list goes on.

    Change is not always good, but it is always coming.

    If I insult myself before anyone else can, their insult can not hurt me.

    If I aim low, I can not experience the overwhelming despair of failure, for I can not miss.

    If I never try to be smart, I will never fail at trying to be smart.

    Someone, somewhere, somewhen instilled in humanity the paralyzing fear of failure. It is tragic.

  2. Keep writing these things. I like the way they make me think. Most things rarely make me actually consider these days.
